Corporate Division Information



Driving commercial and service development activities to increase bumiputera equity as well as ensure the continuity of sharia-based company profits to help finance KIAS in reaching full university status in 2027.


To be a viable corporate company in the development of human capital and services.


  1. to establish a network of cooperation with institutions and departments that have expertise.

  2. to run the project as a “Quick Win” and build “Goodwill”.

  3. to implement commercial potential projects in the development of education, tourism, real estate, services, business, and agriculture, agro-food and commodity industries.

Falsafah INSANI

Sincere,Nawaitu (Objective),Patient (Tabah),Alert (Audit), Human (Manusiawi),Divine (Rabbani)



1. Commercial:

  1. KIAS Channel Studio
  2. SOUQ (Mini mart)
  3. KIAS Merchandise Shop (KMS)
  4. Mat’am (Cafeteria)
  5. KIAS Fitness Gym
  6. Business Site Rental
  7. Site Rental for Vending Machine

2. Education Program:

  1. Certificate of Al-Quran Wal Qiraat Studies
  2. Class of Talaqqi Qiraat Al Quran Bersanad
  3. Certificate of Tafaqquh Fiddin in collaboration with JAHEIAK
  4. Certificate of Tasawwur Islam in collaboration with SUK Negeri Kelantan
  5. Diploma in Administration of Islamic Judiciary (DAIJ)-IIUM
  6. Talaqqi Jama’ Qiraat Al Quran in collaboration with PPZAG (Singapore)
  7. Al Quran Camp (40 Hours) (Annually)
  8. Ride to Khatam (Annually)
  9. Fast Track SPM
  10. Tadika KIAS Imtiyaz
  11. Taska KIAS Imtiyaz

3. Project:

  1.  Agarwood Project with the joint venture of PMBK