
Sultan Ismail Petra International Islamic University College (KIAS) is a Private Higher Education Institution (IPTS) established under the Private Higher Education Institutions Act (1996) (Act 555) operated by KIAS Darul Naim Sdn Bhd (KDSB), a subsidiary of Akademi Yakin Sdn. Bhd. (AYSB). The thought and idea of ​​establishing this college is the inspiration of the State Government which aspires to centralize Kelantan as a well-known hub for the development of Islamic knowledge in the region.

The establishment of KIAS is a continuation of the Kelantan Islamic Higher Education Foundation (YPTIK) Nilam Puri which was established in 1965. On 1 April 1981, YPTIK was absorbed into the University of Malaya under the name Akademi Islam Universiti Malaya (AIUM) which was later merged with the Department of Islamic Studies to form the Academy of Islamic Studies Universiti Malaya (APIUM) in 1996. Efforts and awareness of the importance of Islamic studies at higher levels never faded and was realized when the State Government through the Kelantan Islamic Foundation (YIK) established Maahad Dakwah Wal Imamah in 1994 as a result of the idea of ​​YAB Tuan Guru Dato’ Bentara Setia Hj. Nik Abdul Aziz bin Nik Mat, Menteri Besar of Kelantan at that time. On March 23, 2021, KIAS was approved to be upgraded to a University College from the Ministry of Higher Education (KPT).

Responding to the increasingly rapid development of contemporary education, Maahad Dakwah Wal Imamah was re-drafted in a more dynamic structure with the establishment of Sultan Ismail Petra International Islamic College (KIAS) on 24 August 1999 which was inaugurated by HM Sultan Ismail Petra, Sultan of Kelantan Darulnaim.

KIAS at the beginning of its operation offered three study programs at the Diploma level, namely the Al-Shariah Diploma, the Usuluddin Diploma and the Al-Dakwah Wal Qiadah Diploma. From the 2002/2003 session, KIAS has added a double Bachelor’s Degree program (3+1) with Al-Azhar University, Egypt, in the field of Al-Sharia and Usuluddin. Next, from the 2006/2007 study session, KIAS took another step forward by offering the Arabic Language Diploma program. Meanwhile, in the November 2007 Session, KIAS began accepting students to follow another KIAS latest program, the Islamic Studies Certificate, which is specially designed to give opportunities to SPM graduates who do not have the qualifications to enter Diploma-level studies.

When Al-Azhar University ceased its collaboration on 22 April 2008, KIAS signed a collaboration with Kolej Universiti Insaniah (KUIN), Kedah, on 15 February 2009 to offer a collaborative 4+0 Bachelor of Syariah with Honors and Bachelor of Usuluddin with Honours. Then in June 2010, three new Diploma programs were offered, namely the Tahfiz Al-Quran Diploma, the Qiraat & Tarannum Diploma and the Islamic Finance Diploma, followed later by the Islamic Banking Diploma and the Islamic Studies Diploma in June 2012. As a result of continuous efforts, KIAS managed to add 3 more Diploma which are Diploma in Preaching with Media, Diploma in Islamic Early Childhood Education and Diploma in Logistics & Supply Chain Management from the June 2014/2015 semester. In the June 2015/2016 semester, another program began to be offered, namely the Counseling Diploma and in June 2017/2018, KIAS began offering the Halal Management Diploma. Since all the programs offered by KIAS have received MQA accreditation as well as PSD recognition, they have no problem entering the job market, especially in the public service. In addition, they are also eligible to continue their studies at the Bachelor’s Degree level at domestic and foreign HEIs such as universities in Jordan and Egypt, the State Institute of Islamic Religion (IAIN) and Islamic Universities State (UIN) in Indonesia and also local IPTA/S such as KUIN, KUIS, IUKL, UM, UKM, UIAM, UMK, UNISZA and others.

Since it was established until now, KIAS has continuously made progress with the admission of students from within and outside countries such as Indonesia, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, Nigeria and Palestine. A total of 1192 students are now guided by a line of educators from various majors, a total of 106 lecturers including 19 with a Doctor of Philosophy degree, 70 with a Master’s degree and 17 with a Bachelor’s degree. KIAS management is managed by 79 staff from various levels. The graduates born by KIAS today are the result of the efforts and earnestness of all KIAS members who shoulder the trust in realizing the aspiration of producing Islamic scholars and professionals who have noble character, piety and human capital based on the model of Rabbani Education who are able to contribute to the development of society and the country.