Alumni Testimonials

Alhamdulillah and gratefulness to Allah Taala. Due to blessing knowledge from the murabbi and lecturers at KIAS, MDI-KIAS graduates are given trust in various organizations and communities.

As a graduate of the first doctoral degree from MDI-KIAS (2018), I see the combination of expert yet knowledgeable lecturers, deep knowledge, impenetrable understanding, and appreciation of noble morals, basic moral education and pious behavior as the reason for the graduates' achievement and qualifies them to continue studying to the highest level at any IPTA or IPTS.

Similarly, the experience gained by participating in PMKIAS allows MDI-KIAS graduates to compete and stand in line with graduates from other universities and colleges. High-caliber leadership talent and constantly polished abilities enable graduates to gain recognition and be at the forefront. Among the positions that have been entrusted to me are:

1. The Chaiperson of Pertubuhan Pendidik Ummah Perak
2. The Deputy Director of SMITI Malaysia
3. Director of SMITI Negeri Perakk
4. ALP and Chairperson of JIBG SRITI Muallim
5. Chairperson of SMITI Muallim
6. Secretary of NGO Amal and Dakwah Muallim etc.
7. Excellent Teacher Award, Main Coach, The Chief of Discipline at the school level.

Recognising KIAS as a University College is a profound step in depicting the integration and hard work over the years. May KIAS continue to excel in producing great graduates in various fields according to current needs. Aamiin
Dr Khaled Mat
(1999 - 2002)

My experience studying at KIAS was precious and priceless. From my observations, I believe that KIAS lecturers not only teach academic subjects but also educate and guide students with full dedication and tireless effort. The study system used by KIAS is suitable, meets the job market requirements, and builds competent human capital.
Hj. Abdul Fatah Hj. Jaafar
(The Deputy Manager of Communication Corporate) Perbadanan Menteri Besar Kelantan (PMBK)

1. KIAS is a Higher Education Center with great potential to produce the Rabbani generation
2. KIAS can provide an experienced and quality teaching staff
3. KIAS can also provide a comprehensive study program that is suitable for current and future needs
4. KIAS succeeded in recruiting young and veteran personnel as leadership, management, and instructors
Ahmad Humaizi Bin Abdul Wahab
Arabic Language Teacher (Education Ministry of Malaysia)

I am proud to be one of the KIAS alumni. The learning experience from 2000 to 2003 has significantly shaped who I am today. I gained valuable knowledge from sincere and organised teachers, learned about the ups and downs of management, and ultimately ventured out into the community. KIAS, your kindness and unrequited service will certainly be remembered for a lifetime. Thank you.
YB Ahmad Fadhli bin Shaari
Parliamentary Member of Pasir Mas

1. Receive education and training from a sincere and highly knowledgeable lecturer.

2. Education at the college is reinforced with tarbiah programs that prioritise tarbawi aspects and the development of Islamic identity.

3. Active involvement in PMKIAS provides a valuable experience, especially in building self-leadership. It is clear that it is beneficial in the career world today, in addition to gaining knowledge of effective communication with various layers of society.

4. The knowledge gained is taught to be shared with the community around KIAS through lectures organised by PMKIAS with the cooperation of mosques and suras. In addition, training is provided to be more courageous and have the skills to be in the middle of the community.

5. The lively education program at KIAS at that time produced highly educated students and energy for students with a clear Islamic mindset, a high Islamic spirit, and a fighting spirit in facing globalization and the challenges of the modern world.
Hj. Abdul Fatah Hj. Jaafar
(The Deputy Manager of Corporate Corporation) Perbadanan Menteri Besar Kelantan (PMBK)

It is special because this is where the knowledge buildings of wise scholars are located, and this is where great people worldwide were born, especially in our beloved homeland.
Ust Wan Mohd Firdaus Bin Wan Hussin
Maik Officer